Tag Archive | king of cats

A Red-Rose Chain (October Daye #9) by Seanan McGuire


Seanan McGuire publishes a Toby Daye novel like clockwork each September.  As soon as it is available for pre-order, I click the button to secure my copy.  Then, I get it and put it on the shelf.  Wait, what?  You don’t read it immediately, Mary?  No.  I force myself to hold it until I’m close enough to the next installment.  Seeing a new Toby book on the shelf allows me to know I always have one in the queue.  Now that we are only a month away from book 10, I finally allowed myself to read book 9.  Strange, I know.

A Red-Rose Chain is just what I’ve come to expect from McGuire’s Toby Daye series.  It is urban fantasy that focuses on the world of the fae.  But, really, it’s all about the relationships.  And, I love them all.  Toby and Tybalt have become my favorite UF couple.  Quentin, May, Jazz, Arden…I could go on and on.

This series is a must read and highly recommended.

5/5 stars.